Tag: Madagascar

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Jurisdictional Control of the Court of Auditors in Madagascar: Challenges and Prospects

The French Cour des Comptes, created in 1807 under Napoleon, is one of France’s oldest institutions. It acquired its authority through jurisdictional control of public accountants’ accounts, its primary mission. This type of control was subsequently adopted by other French-speaking, Portuguese-speaking and Spanish-speaking countries. In Madagascar, the Cour des Comptes is facing challenges with a complex issue linked to jurisdictional control. This article aims to elicit questions and reactions to this situation, in order to highlight the importance of the challenge of jurisdictional control of the Malagasy Cour des Comptes, while shedding light on its raison d’être, in promoting the sound management of public funds.

The commitment of French-speaking SAIs to the Sustainable Development Goals
January 9, 2024
International Collaboration Yields Methodology Workshop for TANTANA in Oslo
November 30, 2023
Meeting the press in Antananarivo: Strengthening SAIs Pedagogy in Madagascar
July 3, 2023
INTOSAI Grant Program Helps More than 50 SAIs during the Pandemic

In a major show of support, INTOSAI provided funding to Supreme Audit Institutions (SAI) to help with continuity of operations during the pandemic. Under the leadership of Dr. Hussam Alangari, Auditor General of Saudi Arabia, and Mr. Gene Dodaro, Comptroller General of the United States, the “SAI Continuity during COVID-19” grant funded the purchase of…

SAI Madagascar Builds Capacity through Bilateral Support

“The Malagasy people deserve an independent, visible, and credible Court of Accounts. Today, we are strengthening our institution, so that the country can be confident in the management of public money.” So said the President of Madagascar’s Court of Accounts, Mr. Jean de Dieu Rakotondramihamina, during…