Tag: communication

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Developing a Global Voice for INTOSAI through Communication and Collaboration

Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) independently and objectively audit their governments to ensure that the use…

Civil Society Participation in Audit – the Australian National Audit Office Office’s Approach to Citizen Engagement in Performance Audits

The Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) uses several approaches to engage with citizens and CSOs during the course of a performance audit, particularly during the fieldwork phase.

Enhancing Accountability through Audits: Lessons from Collaborations Between Supreme Audit Institutions and Civil Society Organizations

The International Budget Partnership (IBP) initiated the Audit Accountability Initiative to bring together supreme audit institutions (SAIs) and civil society organizations (CSOs) to strengthen government responsiveness to audit recommendations through more effective communication and engagement.

OLACEFS Assesses Availability of SAIs’ Information to the Public

OLACEFS’ Technical Commission for Good Governance Practices, led by Lic. Jesús Rodríguez, President of the National Audit Office of the Argentine Nation, has produced the fourth Index of Availability of Information to Citizens about SAIs’ Management (IDIGI-EFS 2021).

PSC Initiatives Enhance Communication, Technical Support, and Collaboration

The INTOSAI Professional Standards Committee (PSC) has a number of initiatives underway to enhance communication, technical support, and collaboration among Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs). The following are updates…

INTOSAI Journal Shares Important Milestones, Operational Updates

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the INTOSAI Journal. Thanks to the in-kind contributions and support of the INTOSAI community, the Journal serves as the primary vehicle for our community to share experiences, developments, and best practices consistent with the INTOSAI motto of…

Harnessing the Power of Communication, Collaboration and Innovation

The Turkish Court of Accounts (TCA), which has a tradition dating back more than a thousand years, celebrated its 158th Anniversary this year with a heavy heart as the entire world lives under the shadow of the COVID-19 Pandemic. The pandemic created a “new normal” forcing Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) and governments alike to…