Tag: capacity development

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Jurisdictional Control of the Court of Auditors in Madagascar: Challenges and Prospects

The French Cour des Comptes, created in 1807 under Napoleon, is one of France’s oldest institutions. It acquired its authority through jurisdictional control of public accountants’ accounts, its primary mission. This type of control was subsequently adopted by other French-speaking, Portuguese-speaking and Spanish-speaking countries. In Madagascar, the Cour des Comptes is facing challenges with a complex issue linked to jurisdictional control. This article aims to elicit questions and reactions to this situation, in order to highlight the importance of the challenge of jurisdictional control of the Malagasy Cour des Comptes, while shedding light on its raison d’être, in promoting the sound management of public funds.

Enhancing Strategic Management Capabilities: Empowering Strategic Planning with PASAI’s Facilitation Skills Workshop

One of the Pacific Association of Supreme Audit Institutions (PASAI)’s programme activities is to ensure all member supreme audit institutions (SAIs) develop and implement their own comprehensive and realistic strategic plans. However, SAIs may lack the ability and capacity to develop their own strategic and operational plans, as well as establish frameworks to monitor and report on their performance against these plans. In February 2023, three member SAIs did not have a strategic plan, and five had strategic plans that were set to expire within the year. 

Applying Standards and Ensuring Quality Audits

After the Office of the Auditor-General (OAG) of Fiji established a Quality Assurance (QA) function in 2017, the benefits went beyond assurance that the SAI’s audit engagements complied with ISSAIs. It also enabled the SAI to implement improvements to its audit methodology and Quality Control (QC) system.

Auditor-General’s Office of Papua New Guinea Enhances Audit Management

Papua New Guinea is by far the largest of the developing island nations in the PASAI network. Its infrastructure is deficient, with inconsistent internet and power supply nationwide. Efforts are underway to construct a highway network that will connect the mountainous country, but once completed, maintenance may prove problematic due to landslides, tropical weather and seismic activity. 

Recruiting and Building Capacities of Qualified Staff in the Yap State Office of the Public Auditor

In the Federated States of Micronesia, the Yap State Office of the Public Auditor (OPA) is dealing with staffing challenges that are, unfortunately, not uncommon for the Pacific Island region. 

Brokering Support for SAIs: Get to Know the INTOSAI Donor Cooperation’s Brokerage Initiatives

Learn about the INTOSAI Donor Cooperation’s Brokering Upscaled SAI Support (BUSS) and Global SAI Accountability Initiative (GSAI) Initiatives.

Brokerage to Strengthen the INTOSAI Community: An Interview with Marcela Hommefoss

Amongst the many things the INTOSAI Donor Cooperation (IDC) does to strengthen support to the SAI community, the IDC’s brokerage activities have helped connect SAIs with resources, guidance, and partnerships from donors, peer partners, and other organizations. The INTOSAI Development Initiative’s (IDI) Global Foundations Unit leads this work with the goal of enhancing the capacity of SAIs to lead their own development initiatives. 

INTOSAI Regional Coordination Platform (IRCP) Back Together After Pandemic

In the first week of June in 2022, this INTOSAI-Regions Coordination Platform (IRCP) gathered in a hybrid format to discuss INTOSAI’s response to capacity development challenges and opportunities faced by SAIs.