Tag: budget

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An “Ecological Transition Community” fuels the French Cour des Comptes with Tools

Considering the rise in environmental concerns and the growing importance of ecological transition issues in all national and local public policies, the French Cour des comptes, the supreme audit institution (SAI) that forms the financial jurisdictions with the regional and territorial audit chambers (CRTCs), has organized with the latter to strengthen the relevance of their audit and assessment work in these areas, which already account for a growing share of their scheduled work. 

Jurisdictional Control of the Court of Auditors in Madagascar: Challenges and Prospects

The French Cour des Comptes, created in 1807 under Napoleon, is one of France’s oldest institutions. It acquired its authority through jurisdictional control of public accountants’ accounts, its primary mission. This type of control was subsequently adopted by other French-speaking, Portuguese-speaking and Spanish-speaking countries. In Madagascar, the Cour des Comptes is facing challenges with a complex issue linked to jurisdictional control. This article aims to elicit questions and reactions to this situation, in order to highlight the importance of the challenge of jurisdictional control of the Malagasy Cour des Comptes, while shedding light on its raison d’être, in promoting the sound management of public funds.

A New Handbook Highlights Ways External Audits Can Strengthen Budget Credibility

Recognizing the significance of budget credibility and the demand for further research and practical guidance on this critical topic, over the last two years Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) have collaborated with the Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government of the United Nations Department for Economic and Social Affairs (DPIDG/UNDESA) and the International Budget Partnership (IBP) to develop a handbook for auditors on how their work can contribute to improving budget credibility. The output of this far-reaching effort has been published recently in Strengthening Budget Credibility Through External Audits: A Handbook for Auditors. 

Strategic Plan
Key Adoptions, Endorsements, and Appointments Made at INCOSAI XXIV

The indicators of a successful INCOSAI include widespread knowledge sharing and discussion, international cooperation and…

The Chamber of Accounts of the Republic of Azerbaijan Scores Well on the Open Budget Index for Supreme Audit Institutions

The Open Budget Index (OBI), developed by the International Budget Partnership (IBP), assessed the transparency of budget processes and the availability of budget information to the public. In the 2021 report, the Chamber of Accounts of Azerbaijan scored well in several categories.