SAI Peru Monitors COVID-19 Vaccination Process

The Office of the Comptroller General of Peru, the country’s Supreme Audit Institution (SAI), has deployed more than 500 auditors nationwide to help ensure that the COVID-19 vaccination process is timely, safe, and effective.

Special teams of auditors are carrying out concurrent control activities related to receiving, storing, conserving, distributing, and administering vaccines, with the aim of alerting public managers of concerns requiring immediate mitigation. As part of this operation, which spans multiple institutions and sectors, SAI Peru has monitored the arrival of vaccines at warehouses and the administration of vaccines at selected sites.

As of March 10, 2021, SAI Peru had issued 263 reports on the vaccination process, with a total of 572 control activities planned. In addition, SAI Peru plans to conduct ex-post control activities, including compliance audits of vaccine procurement contracts. In the first half of February, SAI Peru began to gather information on the first procurement of 1 million vaccines.

The aim of these activities is to improve decision-making by the public entities involved in the immunization process, with the ultimate goal of delivering vaccines to the greatest number of people in the shortest possible time.

For more information about the concurrent control model, see

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