Tag: USA

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Decision Graphics: Simple Tools to Improve Audit Decision-making

Making informed planning decisions early in the audit process is key to completing audits in a timely manner. Many teams use historical information to determine how long an audit will take. But every audit and every audit organization is different, so it is impossible to…

GAO Hosts Webinar on “Real-time Auditing”

On April 7, 2021, the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) held the first in a series of free international webinars to promote knowledge sharing and address emerging issues the INTOSAI community is facing during the pandemic. More information about the webinar series can be found here. The topic of the first webinar was the challenges and lessons learned in conducting real-time audits of COVID-19 activities. The webinar featured…

GAO Center for Audit Excellence Marks Five-Year Anniversary

On September 30, 2020, GAO’s CAE marked its fifth anniversary, having made significant progress in expanding GAO capabilities to build audit capacity and promote good governance around the country and around the world. The CAE, which reports to GAO’s Strategic Planning and External Liaison (SPEL) office, provides…

Artificial Intelligence Creates New Opportunities to Combat Fraud

Combating fraudsters has long been a persistent challenge for governmental entities. While there are no precise figures, fraudulent activities drain billions of taxpayer dollars each year from vital programs. In today’s digitally-connected, information-driven world…

More Effective Audit Work: Insights from Behavioral Economics

The behavioral economics field has developed valuable insights on when (and how) people make systematic errors in decision-making due to cognitive biases and fallacies. These insights can deepen the understanding of various factors affecting decision-making and are particularly important to audit work, which aims to…

Addressing COVID-19 Implications Nationally, Globally

The COVID-19 Pandemic has posed significant challenges to public health, the global economy, our governments, Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs), and the citizens we serve. As an independent, non-partisan, objective agency, the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) provides oversight of the federal response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. GAO has…

And the Awards Go To…

The International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) presented three awards at the XXIII Congress in Moscow, Russia—the Jörg Kandutsch, Elmer B. Staats and Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) Young Leader (SYL) Awards…